Building New York’s Clean Energy Future

“Our longstanding partnership with ACE NY has allowed United to amplify its voice in New York and meaningfully contribute to the clean energy transition that is so important to United member companies and all New Yorkers.”

- Ryan Katofsky, Senior Fellow at Advanced Energy United

Our mission is to promote the use of clean, renewable electricity technologies and energy efficiency in New York, in order to increase energy diversity and security, boost economic development, improve public health, and reduce air pollution. 

Agrivoltaics Report

As New Yorkers, we believe that solar energy and farming can exist alongside one another, and each industry can help to bolster the other in meaningful ways while also supporting individual farmers and their communities. Read ACE NY’s Best Practices Guide for Agrivoltaics.


May 20, 2024: Governor Hochul Announces Empire Wind I Receives Final Approval

April 21, 2024: Funding on the way for energy affordability program for low income New Yorkers

April 19, 2024: NYISO launches first-in-nation DER integration program in move toward FERC Order 2222 compliance

On April 11, 2024, ACE NY hosted a webinar It's Electric! Grid Planning to Meet Our Climate Law Goals. Learn how the grid of the future is being planned and implemented.


Chris Casey, NRDC


Bart Franey, National Grid

Liz Grisaru, NYS DPS

Yachi Lin, NYISO

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