Anne Reynolds letter to ACE NY Members, Friends and Supporters

On behalf of all of us at the Alliance for Clean Energy New York, I hope you are safe and well. It is hard to imagine how much life has changed for so many of us in these past weeks. It’s a time to respect and admire those on the front lines of the coronavirus crisis, their courage and their humanity. And for us, a chance to say “thank you” for your efforts on behalf of a greener, cleaner, safer and renewable power generating system.

Here at ACE NY, we are celebrating the historic collective accomplishment we all were part of in securing passage of the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth & Community Benefit Act as part of the New York State budget. We worked hard to move forward with changes that will be good for our families, our environment and our economic future. Given the nature of Albany’s budget process, the closing days of budget negotiations can be all-consuming. This year, it was made all the more difficult by the COVID-19 crisis, and the shift away from direct personal contact with lawmakers and staff. But we were successful. ACE staff and members worked hard and productively, if remotely, and now it is time to move on.

But before we move on to the hard work of implementation – for example, who and what will be the new Office of Renewable Energy at the Department of State – let’s take time to pause and be thankful. And to regroup. At ACE, we have temporarily closed the Albany office and are working remotely, as are all of you. We are all learning new ways of doing our work, but we remain committed to the essential task of transforming New York’s power generating system in ways that will help protect the environment and the public’s health. Whatever new normal awaits us when the pandemic recedes, we look forward to working together to help rebuild a stronger economy, a greener power generating system, and a safer and healthier planet.

Be well.

Anne Reynolds, Executive Director ACE NY


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