Hundreds Turn Out for Transmission Town Hall

Achieving New York’s ambitions clean energy goals will new require upgrades to the state’s electric power transmission grid. This was the theme of ACE NY’s recent virtual event: Clean Energy and Transmission Town Hall. The June 25th webinar featured a new video, welcoming introduction by Senate Energy and Telecommunications Committee Chair Kevin Parker, and a keynote by newly appointed Deputy Secretary for Energy and Environment Ali Zaidi. A panel discussion moderated by ACE NY Executive Director Anne Reynolds followed, with an active question and answer session.

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70% by 2030 Proceeding Kicks Off at the NYS Commission

Last week, in case 15-E-0302 (Our favorite case!), NY’s Public Service Commission released the CES White Paper as well as a supporting analysis (CES White Paper Appendix A). Also in this case you will see recent filings of the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement on the electricity portions of New York’s climate law, as well the RES Program Impact Evaluation/CES Triennial Review.

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Social and Racial Injustice, the Green New Deal, and Our Work on Clean Energy

Recent events have left our nation reeling. On top of a pandemic that has taken more than 100,000 lives and left millions jobless, the senseless killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests and demonstrations have left us all searching for answers. Both tragedies have disproportionately impacted people of color and have put a spotlight on our country’s racism. We believe Black Lives Matter and policing and a host of other institutions in America need fundamental reforms. No matter where we live or work, we should all be asking ourselves what we are doing, as individuals, as communities, as businesses, and as organizations to address longstanding social and racial injustices.

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Anne Reynolds letter to ACE NY Members, Friends and Supporters

On behalf of all of us at the Alliance for Clean Energy New York, I hope you are safe and well. It is hard to imagine how much life has changed for so many of us in these past weeks. It’s a time to respect and admire those on the front lines of the coronavirus crisis, their courage and their humanity. And for us, a chance to say “thank you” for your efforts on behalf of a greener, cleaner, safer and renewable power generating system.

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Opinion: COVID is a Reason to Double Down on the Green Economy

We wanted to recognize the COVID-19 pandemic and bring to light that in the future, clean air, sustainable forms of energy, and JOBS, will be critical. Here’s our story:

COVID-19 poses an immediate health risk to New York—and we are met with unprecedented uncertainty as to just how devastating the virus will be. The economic risk to our state also grows greater every day, and a financial crisis is likely to follow this health crisis.

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Renewable Energy Siting Reform - Let’s Make Progress Now

A diverse coalition of environment and clean energy groups has written to state Senate and Assembly leaders urging negotiation with, and support for, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposed power plant siting law reform bill. While there is some resistance within the legislature to adding another important policy reform measure to the current budget negotiations, supporters of the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth & Community Benefit Act stress the need to move quickly to achieve the aggressive climate goals passed in last year’s legislative session.

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